Digital Marketing Consultant

Elevate your online presence, amplify your sales!

About Me

Internet Marketing Consultant

Every day, thousands of individuals utilize the internet to search for businesses akin to yours. Research indicates that more than 85% of internet users discover new websites through search engines. Without a prominent position on leading search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing, it's likely that these potential customers will turn to other sources for their products and services.

Achieving a high-ranking listing on search engines is not a matter of chance. There are proactive measures you can take to enhance your website's visibility.

This is where Search Engine Marketing (SEM) comes into play, and it is my area of expertise. I assist businesses in need of elevated online visibility. By employing a combination of advanced Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques, pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns, and link-building strategies, I ensure your website gains significant exposure on search engines. My proficiency in securing top rankings for my clients has enabled them to attract more qualified traffic to their sites, leading to increased leads, sales, and substantial business growth.

I engage with you closely to grasp your business objectives and surpass your marketing aspirations. I view my role as an extension of your team, committed to your success. My dedication to excellent customer support is unwavering, and I continue my efforts until you are fully satisfied with the results.

What I do

  • SEO

    SEO strategies are about increasing visibility in search engine results. SEO focuses on organic search strategies to improve rankings.

  • Digital Marketing

    Integrated Digital Marketing is a holistic approach that combines various digital marketing strategies to create a cohesive online presence and drive more effective results.

  • Conversion

    Integrated strategies provide multiple touchpoints for engaging with your audience, fostering better relationships and higher conversion rates.

Amazing Services

Look out our services
  • Photography

    Photography is a kind of virtual reality, and it helps if you can create the illusion of being in an interesting world...

  • Web Design

    Web design is a similar process of creation, with the intention of presenting the content on electronic web pages...

  • Branding

    If your are starting a new company one of the most important things you can do is make sure to get the correct branding.

  • Social Media

    Social media is the collective of online communications channels dedicated to content-sharing and collaboration.

  • Illustrator

    Illustration is the art of making images that work with something and add to it without needing direct attention.

  • Marketing

    Marketing is the study and management of exchange relationships. Marketing is used to create, keep and satisfy the customer.

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    SEO Projects Completed
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    Satisfaction Guarantee



Quality and Comprehensive
  • Permanent, relevant and legitimate inbound links on other sites can dramatically increase traffic to your site. Well-placed links are an excellent source of consistent, qualified leads. We show you how.

    Building permanent, relevant and legitimate inbound links to your website yields a steady flow of targeted traffic. Known as link popularity, it also helps you achieve higher search engine rankings. Since the traffic is targeted, more motivated prospects visit your site and opportunities for conversion are high. Clients who use our link building service benefit from more new contacts, more prospects and higher sales.

    Some considerations for building high quality traffic through link popularity are as follows:

    • Securing 'unidirectional' or only-Incoming (non-reciprocal) links
    • Links with relevant "Keywords" in the Anchor Text
    • Links from sites having a different range of PageRank
    • Links from industry-relevant pages
    • Link to your site should not be through a "redirect" script
    • No JavaScript links
    • No links from 'framed' pages
    • No 'flash' embedded links
    • No Robots Tag excluded link pages
    • No paid or time-bound links
    • Links spread over different domains
    • No links from Link Farms
    • No links from FFA (Free-For-All) link networks
    • No links from Blogs and Blogspots
    • No links from pornographic and other sites containing offensive content

    We are experts at improving the volume and quality of traffic to your site. Our services can be tailored to match your budget and provide an excellent return on your investment.

  • Search Engine Optimization (or SEO) is used to improve the position of your website in the search engine listings. Of primary consideration is the proper selection and placement of keywords.

    There are basic techniques for getting higher rankings in the search engines. Including appropriate keywords on your site is extremely important because the search engines are text-centric. They base their site rankings primarily on the keywords you select and implement.

    Although keyword selection and placement are primary ranking criteria, methods exist for optimizing graphical content. This includes adding text captions to pictures and other media. Even Flash animations can be optimized by designing the page to include alternative content.

    Some general SEO techniques considered appropriate by the search engines include:

    • Using a unique and relevant title to name each page.
    • Editing web pages to replace vague text with specific terminology relevant to the subject.
    • Providing unique, quality content to address visitor interests.
    • Using an accurate description meta tag to make search listings more informative.
    • Developing link strategies that allow websites offering interesting content or novel features to accumulate large numbers of backlinks that refer to your site.
    • Writing useful, informational articles under an open source license, in exchange for backlinks.

    Recently, accessibility, the practice of making web sites easier to navigate and read even for those with disabilities, has become an important tool for search engine optimization. Google underscores the importance of accessibility by including it in their ranking criteria and giving priority to accessible websites.

    Along with these basic SEO techniques, there are basic SEO strategies that can be employed as well. For example, not all sites have identical goals for search optimization. Some sites seek any and all traffic. They may be optimized to seek high rankings for common search phrases. Such a broad optimization strategy can work for sites that have broad interests. For example, a magazine site, general news site or any site that uses an advertising revenue model may benefit from broad optimization strategies.

    We recognize that an overly broad search optimization can hinder your marketing strategy by generating large volumes of low-quality inquiries. These types of inquiries can cost money to process, yet result in little business. In contrast, many businesses try to optimize their sites for large numbers of highly specific keywords that indicate a readiness to buy. For many of our clients, we use optimization techniques that focus on bringing targeted, motivated traffic to your site. This practice generates better quality sales leads and conversions This results in more sales and business growth.

    So whether you market your products and services to many consumers, specific businesses or small niches, we can implement SEO techniques and strategies that work to build your business.

  • Internet Marketing includes SEO and additional online marketing tools you can use to gain the attention of potential customers and the search engines. Each of the marketing techniques work to drive motivated traffic to your website & allow you to compete more effectively.

    Internet Marketing includes SEO and additional online marketing tools you can use to gain the attention of potential customers and the search engines. Each of the marketing techniques listed below work to drive motivated traffic to your website and allow you to compete more effectively.

    With Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising, you bid on the keywords you believe prospects would type in the search bar when looking for your products or services. For example, if you sell vintage wines, you would bid on the keyword "vintage wine", hoping a user would type those words in the search engine, see your ad, click it and buy. These ads are called sponsored links or sponsored ads and typically appear next to the natural (also known as “organic”) results on a search page. You pay for your ad only when the user clicks on it. Google AdWords and Yahoo! Search Marketing (formerly Overture) are currently the largest PPC providers. Our job is to help you choose PPC keywords, craft and place ads that extend your marketing reach cost-effectively.

    Interactive advertising uses banner ads, Flash presentations and other interactive media to elicit active participation from recipients. They promote your products and services and educate prospects. If well crafted, interactive advertising allows you to engage consumers in direct and personal ways. And, they enable a sophisticated dialogue between you and your prospects which may affect buying decisions. We help by producing quality presentations and online ad campaigns.

    E-mail marketing , which includes e-mails and online newsletters, is a form of permission-based, relationship marketing. Once people opt to receive periodic announcements about your products and services, you have the opportunity to convert prospects, retain customers and create value for your business. We help you build cost-effective e-mail campaigns that extend your brand while establishing lasting relationships with customers.

    Blog marketing . A blog is a regularly updated collection of content. From a business marketing view, blogs offer many benefits. Chief among them is that blogs provide an easy way to introduce fresh, relevant content to your site on a regular basis. Fresh content attracts more attention from the search engines therefore your site will likely have a higher ranking with a blog than without one. Our services range from helping you develop a blogging strategy, integrating a blog into your website to even ghostwriting blog content.

    White paper marketing. White papers are designed to promote your business solutions as they relate to a specific topic. They also help position your business as a leader in a specific field or industry. And, since white papers are distributed typically after a prospect’s contact information is collected, they can be very effective lead generators. From researching and writing white paper content to helping you collect leads, we show you the power of this medium.

  • When speaking about increasing website traffic, we really are referring to several things: increasing hits, increasing the time visitors spend exploring your site and increasing the number of unique visitors. All improve your site's visibility and your potential for sales.

    There are many effective tactics we use to increase traffic to your website. However, strategies to bring in quality leads to increase sales (or other conversions) are our true focus.

    To increase sales, you must increase your conversion rates. Conversion rate is the measure of the number of potential customers that go on to buy. In the context of a website, it is usually the percentage of visitors that make a purchase. Many websites concentrate solely on increasing the number of visitors they have, when often they have fairly simple problems with their site that, if solved, would have a huge effect on their conversion rate and improve their site's bottom line at minimal expense. Here are a few considerations to improve conversion rates.

    First, you must find a way to stand out from the competition. It should start with the domain name, and continue throughout your entire website’s strategy.

    Then in your content and your design, you have to address exactly what your audience needs and deliver it in a package that is attractive, easy to read and easy to navigate.

    Relevance is very significant. If you are targeting a market with specific keywords, your audience should land at exactly the right place after typing those keywords and finding your website. So if your audience types “classic cars” and your link appears, on clicking through they should be taken to the page on your site listing and selling classic cars. They shouldn’t land at the home page of your website which has a small link to the classic cars section and 5 or 6 other types of cars for sale.

    Measuring and experimenting is then the key to improving conversion rates. You can’t improve conversion without measurement unless you’re making educated guesses or you’re just plain lucky. So get a good measurement system, learn what it’s all about, and test your changes.

    Finally and most importantly you must build trust. You can’t sell anything if your audience doesn’t trust you. You can help them to trust you by prominently displaying your privacy policy, shipping procedures, the fact that you use SSL encrypted protection for the forms on your site, that hundreds of satisfied customers have already bought from your store and that you make it easy to find contact information such as support via email. You can also educate your audience via articles, ‘how-to’ sections or newsletters to instill trust over time.

    Growth is necessary for business survival. Stand still and the competition will quickly overtake you. Increasing your conversion rates is a business growth strategy that any small business can use.

    Grow your business. Increase your traffic, leads and sales. We can show you how to improve your conversion rates and build the bottom line.

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